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Скачать Audio CD Grabber Gold
[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 03.03.2012, 21:15
Audio CD Grabber Gold является полезной частью программного обеспечения, которое позволяет записывать музыку, голос или любой другой звук, который вы слышите такие как голос с вещания из Интернета, микрофон, музыка из Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quick Time, и т.д.

With Audio CD Grabber Gold , you can record music, voice or other sound you hear such as voice from microphone, webcasts from the Internet, music played by Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quick Time, Real Player, Flash, games, etc. You can also rip audio tracks from audio CD/DVD and save them to your hard disk and extract audio stream from Internet Streaming Media and save them as WAV, MP3, WMA or OGG files.
With Audio CD Grabber Gold you can:

* Rip audio tracks from a personal CD and save them to your hard drive in various digital audio formats, like RAW, OGG, MP3 and WAV music files.
* When ripping changed the information, it can be obtained from the audio source (Name of Artist, Album and tracks).
* Select details you want to include in the file name for the audio tracks you rip (Track Number, Song Title, Artist and Album).
* Add the information to your output audio file such as Title, Artist, Album and Comment.
* Visually judge the progress of the ripping process.
* Easy-to-use interface.


О файле:
Активация|рег код: есть
Язык Интерфейса: Английский
Платформа/ОС: Windows

Download|Скачать 8,29 МБ
Категория: Мои файлы | Добавил: Locker
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